The Secret to Develop an Eidetic Memory and Improve Brain Capabilities

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Anybody who has seen series such as “Scorpions” or “The Big Bang Theory” must know about the incredible ability of Walter O’Brien and Sheldon Cooper to remember things, even if said or done years ago. The phenomenon is known as having an eidetic memory, and only a few people worldwide are said to have it. The occurrence is more common in children and reduces as we grow up. 

We all want to improve our skills at remembering things, and experts have instructed quite a lot to improve our memory. These might not give the identical memory abilities of the protagonists, as mentioned earlier, but still, they can be pretty handy. The following are certain activities and tips that can help you to keep your mind sharp and achieve success. 

Tips to develop an eidetic memory (well, almost)

  • Among other methods, learning or memorizing something is to relate or “connect” each idea with something familiar. For instance, while trying to improve vocabulary, writing the meaning next to the word and mentioning a strong connection makes you remember it faster next time. You can also attempt to visualize the concepts you are trying to remember. Having a visual already associated with it helps. Suppose a visual element like a graph, chart, or picture is already provided with the information; memorizing it becomes less stressful. The visual aspect will improve your chances of remembering the information.
  • Further, we remember many funny things, too, since they invoke strong emotion. So, if something is amusing, you have more chances to remember it. Thus, while memorizing something, creating a funny or absurd image out of your imagination can be a good idea to keep the information etched in your memory.
  • Just like your body, your brain needs frequent exercise too. Several activities can improve your brain functions and keep it sharp. Consider activities that challenge you mentally and try to indulge in them. These exercises optimize brain activity and increase your brain’s ability to remember. Learning new activities such as learning a new language, how to play a musical instrument, playing chess, solving puzzles, and more can boost memory beyond imagination. 

develop an eidetic memory games

  • Long sequences are another tricky thing to remember. While trying to do so, the easiest way to improve your memory is to identify patterns within the sequence. Once you can identify the pattern in the number or sequence, you can recall and rehash the information when necessary. Your finger pads can be helpful here too. Marking your finger with each item or its initials can be particularly useful if you want to remember numbers or sequences. You can also read the information orally if it is related to your studies. It will help you learn things faster and retain them longer. 
  • Use an organizer or journal to de-clutter your life. By putting your thoughts, ideas, appointments, and to-dos in one place, you are more likely to remember them. You can use anything from an electronic PDA to a calendar to keep track of things. Saying what you are writing out loud can help you remember further.
  • Try to reduce stress in your daily life since it hinders keeping the brain healthy. It can destroy brain cells in the long run and decreases their capability to create new memories or retrieve old ones. If possible, meditate for some time every day. Meditation is one of the ways that you can use to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
  • Keeping your brain healthy depends on the diet too. A healthy diet with green vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains can immensely boost your memory. Additionally, limiting saturated fat, fast food, alcohol, or any kind of food that affects concentration and memory should be avoided. If you consume a healthy and well-balanced diet, you will be providing your brain and overall body with the nutrients and energy it will need throughout the day, and this, in turn, will boost your ability to remember the details and information that you process on a short term and long term basis.

healthy diet

Things to remember

Most of the suggestions mentioned in this article are easy to follow. However, it would take discipline and dedication from you to succeed. With the tips in this article, you should start to feel less stressed about what you need to do, to have a good memory. The fact that you’re reading this article shows that you are taking steps on the right path. Next, if you can implement these strategies to the best of your ability, you will see quite some progress soon.

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